Monday, May 4, 2015

Final Project

1) I went for the D.C. colors, but is this too intense?
2) Should I add more on/off features
3) I know the checkboxes are small, does anyone know how to make these bigger?
4) I will be adding shape tweens as the flood moves out into the city, do you guys think this is too much or I should just show it as an on/off function since I only have it for two dates

5) How do I make this look cooler/less plain?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Map I wish I made

So this map is AWESOME!

It was made by UMD Language Science Center, and has all of the different languages spoken in every country around the world! You can click on each nation and a text block comes up that you can then click on the different languages within the country that will zoom you to that geographic area in which the language is spoken!

THAT IS SO COOL! I don't know any reason why I would want to make this map, but I think it's really cool to look at all the different areas in which people speak different languages and how aggregated some can be. Multiple languages in one country only one in another... great to look at!

map of different languages around the world

In this screenshot I clicked on the DRC in Africa and all these different languages popped up!

Nepal before and after

This map is interesting in that you can pan in and out and see the detail with two separate maps within the map to compare before and after Nepal's 2015 earthquake as well as the damage level over certain rollover areas.

 Before and After Nepal Map

Interactive Javascript map

These are kind of hard to find. This one was found for you to actually put your own information in or change it around in the script, but it's originally set as dot density population bubbles for the entire world... pretty cool color choice and it's easy to pan in and out with rollovers that tell you exactly how many people are in each country.

Interactive Javascript map of populations

Friday, May 1, 2015

Lab 10 HEAT MAP!!!

I used data from city data that gave me the top 101 cities with average precipitation and a population greater than 50,000. Even though I have 101 different cities, it's not enough for my map to look very cool, but it looks kind of cool ;) !

Top 101 Cities with Highest Level of Precipitation and Population Greater Than 50K